Working From Home: Productivity Tips

Working from home: productivity tips

Productivity tips from

I love that my jobs as a Wellness and Life Coach, Reiki practitioner and retreat organizer let me interact face to face with my clients. I also love that some days I work from home. I’m a total homebody. I like my own space, I like having my dog nap at my feet, and I love the quiet that surrounds me for a few hours when my husband goes to work and my kids go to school.

Over the years I’ve developed a system of tips that help me to be more productive during the day as I balance running my businesses, my household and my family.

  • Put in a load of laundry first thing in the morning so the machine can do the work before you get distracted with other tasks.
  • Set up your personal work space: a desk or table, shelf, file cabinet, or whatever you need should be located close at hand to avoid too many “where’s my stuff” moments.
  • Take physical and mental breaks. If you sit most of the day it’s so important to move your body as much as you can during your breaks. I get up at least once an hour to stretch, maybe switch the laundry over, or do a few jumping jacks or squats. I’ve even been known to run laps around the house to reenergize myself. I always feel more focused when I sit back down if I’ve been physical, even if it’s only for 30 seconds.
  • If you don’t have the space to create your own office, even a pretty basket, a crate with rollers or a plastic bin can be used to corral your work things so they don’t get mixed up with other things in the house. This is especially important if you have children and an office door that doesn’t lock. I have several shelves that are designated Mom Only for this reason.
  • Set aside time to answer emails and return calls, don’t let yourself be distracted all day long. Sometimes I even turn my phone on airplane mode for an hour or two to allow me to work uninterrupted.
  • Caffeine is my friend. I love my tea or coffee, but I keep filtered water nearby to keep hydrated. If you’re not a caffeine person, find a healthy, unsweetened drink you love. This can help to make your work space feel special and tailored just for you.
  • Work near a window if at all possible. I don’t know how many times I’ve been stuck on an idea, but when I take a moment to center myself and look out at my bird feeder, the answer comes. It’s important for our brains and eyes to be exposed to natural light as often as possible. This helps to regulate sleep cycles and hormones.
  • Remember to breathe. I recently saw a quote somewhere that said “Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body” and I just love this. When you take the time to breathe and close your eyes, even for a moment, you give your body a chance to reboot. For the best air quality possible, keep living plants and maybe a salt lamp in your work space.
  • Plan to take a break if/when your family comes home, even if you have more work to accomplish. Make time to connect with your loved ones, even if it’s your pet. Isn’t that one of the reasons you work from home?

Do you work from home? How do you make sure you’re productive? Click below or visit me on facebook to leave a comment!

2 comments on “Working From Home: Productivity Tips

  1. Excellent article. Love these tips. Going to put a plant in my office, remember to look out the window more often, and check email much less frequently!

  2. Great tips, I love working from home as it allows me to multi task and take breaks from my computer to do more mindless tasks like unload the dishwasher and switch over the laundry. It is also nice to be able to cook my lunch fresh instead of brown-bagging it with leftovers every day.

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