The Importance of Self-Care

I see it all the time. The kind, caring individual, once again putting everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. They give and give because that’s who they are, but at the expense of their health.

By the time I see this person, they’re exhausted. They are usually not sleeping well, not digesting their food properly (IBS,) they’re easily irritated, snapping at loved ones for no reason, or perhaps so incredibly tired that they are beginning to forget things. 

They’re overwhelmed. Not just with responsibilities or the state of the world, they’re overwhelmed with LIFE. 

Where to begin? They have often been told “there’s nothing wrong with you,” “you seem fine,” or “it’s all in your head.”

But in their heart, they know something is going on, and that it’s something worth fixing.

So we begin slowly. With compassion, listening and soft guidance. A few simple changes every week or two that feel like a slight stretch, but not impossible. We balance energy fields to help release resistance and to pave the way for change. We incorporate high-vibrational foods, supplements and mindful practice, and maybe some physical movement.

As time goes on, the individual begins to feel better, a bit of relief in a crazy world, but it’s just enough to keep going. To keep doing the work, the steady trod through a life worth living, worth changing, that begins to feel lighter.

This is my life’s work: to gently listen, guide and show the way to a new perspective.

My flagship coaching program, Transform Your Life, incorporates nutrition, emotional and spiritual guidance and much more (we even talk about life purpose) in a semi-structured container of twice-monthly meetings that include Reiki energy healing. Sessions are available via phone, Zoom and in person. 

If you’ve been neglecting yourself and you’re still reading this, it might be the time to take the next step. Email me to schedule your free call to see if Transform Your Life is right for you.  

Love and Light,