

Struggle is a universal human experience, yet it’s one many of us deny or gloss over. While it’s not healthy to focus on struggle constantly, when we pretend it doesn’t exist we eliminate opportunities to connect with others. As an Enneagram 1, I often get pulled off into the weeds of perfectionism.

Why, I have asked myself, would anyone want to work with me if I’m not perfect? Don’t I need to set an example in order to help others?

The truth is, I struggle daily. My intention is to look ahead and focus on the positive, but sometimes it’s’ hard as I learn to navigate parenting teens, run a small business, cook organic homemade meals, cherish my partner, meditate, exercise, spend time with friends and, for goodness sake, TAKE DOWN THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS.

I’m here. I see you. And I refuse to let my struggles own me.

Love and Light,