Skin Deep Database


A quick post today.

Have you heard of the Skin Deep Database? Here’s a quote from their site:

EWG’s Skin Deep is an online safety guide for cosmetics and personal care products, launched in 2004 to help people find safer products, with fewer ingredients that are hazardous or that haven’t been thoroughly tested. Skin Deep combines product ingredient lists with information in more than 50 standard toxicity and regulatory databases. The database provides easy-to-navigate safety ratings for tens of thousands of personal care products.

I first heard of the database probably seven or eight years ago, but a client recently told me about their new app. It’s so easy to use that I had to share it with you. Just install the app on your phone and you can use the scanning feature to scan any personal care product while you’re out and about. The rating system is numerical (the lower the number the better) and color-coded (green is safest, red is lease safe.)

You can also use the database on your desktop computer by using the search function at .

While the system isn’t perfect (there are lots of items ranked, but also lots that aren’t) it is a good first step toward finding products that are safer for you and your family. Happy shopping!

With Love,

P.S. What are your favorite non-toxic products? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.