Official Launch

Today I am officially launching my business, Healthy Life Choices.  I’m excited and a little bit nervous!

The bottom line is that I am committed to helping people achieve better health.

Better health can sometimes come through fad diets and drastic exercise, (think of the contestants on Biggest Loser, for example) but I believe that good health can come in a much more natural and positive fashion.  It might not happen in six weeks, but over the course of several months, ANYone can make significant change and begin to feel better.  Our entire being is integrated — what we eat affects how we feel, and how we feel can dictate what we put into our bodies.  My goal is to help people gradually make healthy choices, that, over time, lead to significant change.

I work with the individual, and not from a set plan or course.  As my client, your needs come first, and we will work at whatever pace feels comfortable.

Take your first step towards wellness! Email me today to set up your first session: elizabeth (at) elizabethpemberton (dot) com, or contact me through this site.