My Journey to Reiki

A few years ago I met a beautiful woman who told me she was a Reiki practitioner, and the rest is history…


Well, maybe it is history, but I’ll still tell you what happened next.

It took me a while to make an appointment for a Reiki healing, but when I finally went to see her my life was completely changed. We had an immediate connection, the hour and a half absolutely flew by, and I left my session feeling better than I had in years.

When I learned she was going to offer to teach this beautiful healing technique, I knew I had to learn to help others with Reiki as well, so about two years ago I became certified in Reiki I and Reiki II. My initial plan was to integrate Reiki healing into my health coaching business. I had no intention of seeing clients one-on-one for Reiki.

But although I was using Reiki on myself, my family and close friends, eventually I felt I was being led to offer this service to others. When the opportunity arose to work out of a private room at a local health food store, I jumped at the chance.

I have been seeing clients for Reiki since February of this year, 2017, and I love it. While I still feel like Health Coaching is my calling, Reiki is such a unique and beautiful experience every session that I find myself very grateful to be able to share it with others.

This month, September, 2017, I am offering $5 off your first Reiki session with me as a special promotion. Please call or text me at (586) 453-4542 to make an appointment for Reiki or Health Coaching.

If you would like more detailed reading about what Reiki is, please click the following link: