Last day to register for best price

It happens to all of us. We go through life, managing work, family and home, getting through week by week. We do all the things for everyone else, and somehow forget ourselves.

Sometimes when we finally realize what’s happened but it’s too late. We have a diagnosis, we’re completely stressed out or about to lose it. We look around and wonder, “how did this happen?”

How did I gain all this weight?

How did my habits turn out like this?

Why am I stressed so often?

Why do I try to numb myself with food, shopping, scrolling, etc.?

In truth, it happens over time, moment by moment, with small, innocuous- seeming choices:

  • Fast food instead of a home-cooked meal
  • Scrolling social media instead of reading a book
  • Watching TV instead of taking 20 minutes to meditate or pray
  • Saying yes to someone else instead of yes to yourself

None of these is inherently bad or wrong, and it’s not about being perfect all the time. But these choices add up, and when you consistently ignore your deeper needs for connection, nutrition and stillness, your mind and body pay the price.

They add up to a body that feels sluggish, stressed and malnourished, a mind that feels scattered, and a soul longing for something more.

If any of this sounds familiar, please join me in 2021. Together we will take two months to reset, renew and reconnect to your deeper needs.

You’ll learn:

  • Basic nutrition principals (whole foods, not fads)
  • Sustainable eating habits, fully customizable for YOUR life
  • How to properly time your food intake for the best possible nourishment
  • How connecting with like-minded people can have a huge impact on your success
  • Self-care in the form of food, nutrition and connection

This year has been a lot for us, right?  But even if you’re feeling out of control, no one else has the reigns of your life. You’re in charge, even if you feel adrift, and you are the only one who can implement changes to feel better and to create a healthier, more vibrant future.  

If any of this resonates with you, I hope you’ll join me in January and February to get back to your health, your connection and your innate wellness. You don’t have to do it alone.

When you sign up for Back to Basics Nutrition Boot Camp and Fasting for Beginners you will join a group of people with the same goals and vision for their lives, ready to commit to building healthier lives and a more vibrant future.

You can’t always control what the world throws at you, but you can control how you respond. When you build a healthy foundation for yourself, you naturally respond from a place of strength and balance instead of weakness and depletion.

If you want to sign up for the best possible price, here’s the link. Today it’s $319, but tomorrow (Saturday) the price goes up to $520.

If you have questions, please reach out. I read and respond to every email.

Love and Light,