I’m not for everyone

What follows is an excerpt from my “subscribers only” email that went out this morning.

The phrase “You’re not for everyone” has been popping up everywhere lately, and it really resonates with me. In both my coaching career and life in general, I’m noticing some people fade away through social media unfollows or email unsubscribes, while others come into focus. Sometimes it stings for a minute, I’m not going to lie. But as I’m learning how to not take things personally, I can also appreciate the divine order in everything. Somehow the right people and situations always find me whether I’m actively seeking them or not. …

Someone recently told me that I am not my gifts or my calling, I am simply the vessel through which they are expressed. I really like that. To me this means that by opening myself up to things that are new, scary or different, I can allow something bigger than myself to work through me. …

I’m no expert. Far from it! What I am is a woman on a path to healing, wholeness and peace. I make mistakes all.the.time. Sometimes I need a minute (or a few days) to regroup, but I always get back up and try again. Life is about the journey, the experiences and the challenges. Even more importantly, life is about living.

In love and light,

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This is me, wishing you love, light and happiness.