Heart to Heart

Dear Friends,
This time, early 2020, is nothing if not polarizing, and I’ve been feeling physical discomfort with all the discord lately. Because my number one intention with my work is to uplift others, I’d like to share a beautiful quote I came across this morning.

When I read the above quote this morning they brought tears to my eyes. Not only because they so perfectly express what I’ve been wanting (and failing) to write to you these past few weeks, but because they’re so needed in our world right now. 

I have some very strong views about things, and I’m sure you do as well. And while the last thing I want to do is polarize people, I feel a strong pull to honestly express myself more than ever before in my life. Some of the videos and links I’ve sent in these past few months have been upsetting to some people. I’ve felt the sting of accusations, negative comments and “unsubscribes” more during this time than ever before. 

In years past I might have swayed to popular opinion or withdrawn to please others, but I am finally confident enough to say that while we may not agree with each other, that’s okay. You may not  even like me, and that’s okay, too. After years (and years, and years) of not valuing myself enough to express an unpopular opinion, I can finally say I like myself enough to stand firm in what I believe. 

It’s taken a lot of work to get here. 

And I’m nowhere finished, but as a recovering people-pleaser and approval addict, I know I am making progress. 

So today I’m not going to talk about COVID 19, stay at home orders or nutrition or supplements or energy healing or meditation. I’m not going to tell you what I think or recommend or give you links to supposed experts. (If you want help staying healthy now, you can email me to request my downloadable guide.)

What I am going to do is encourage you to find love and compassion for the world right now, as-is. As the cliche says, none of us getting out of here alive, so I hope you can find some peace with the way things are right now, even if you don’t like them. Because really, when was the last time every-single-thing-in-your-life was perfect?

I hope you can love your liberal or conservative neighbor, friend or family member even if they hold a different  opinion than yours, because let’s be honest: doesn’t everyone have a unique view of life? 

We all live one of a kind lives, sifting and sorting experiences to decide what we want. You can’t keep something away from you by shouting “NO.” In fact, the Law of Attraction teaches us that we’re actually calling it closer by giving it our attention.

So I ask you, where is your attention today? Is it upon things or situations or people or opinions wanted or unwanted? 

I’m choosing to focus on wanted. Here’s what I want today:
-lots of deep breaths
-friends and neighbors that I can appreciate and uplift, even if we don’t always (or ever) agree
-fresh and nourishing homemade food
-sunshine and long walks
-the love and support of my family
-health and vitality
-time for daily rest and meditation

I appreciate you. I appreciate that you’re still here, reading. And as always, I deeply appreciate your support. I’m sending so much love and appreciation to each and every one of you.

In Peace,