Gratitude vs. Appreciation

Words carry weight and meaning beyond a basic definition. Consider gratitude versus appreciation. On the surface they seem like similar words with a similar meaning, but if you take a moment to feel into the words you may notice subtle differences.

Say or write the word gratitude. Feel the word, notice where it sits in your body, jot down what it means to you or some memories of when you felt grateful. Now repeat with the word appreciation.

What differences did you notice? For me, gratitude, while overall positive, carries a bit of weight to it. The subtle weight connotes obligation and the feeling of being in need before relief was granted. Appreciation feels much lighter, which is my personal indication it is of a higher vibration. When I appreciate I feel buoyant, with no strings attached, like a fluffy cloud of emotion that just keeps getting better.

A gratitude journal is  a wonderful tool, and if you’re doing this regularly, awesome! Keeping track of your blessings is one of the most powerful practices I know of to create abundance and joy in life. But if you’re looking to level-up your experience, take the time to feel in to the words you’re using and invite the subtle differences of language (this is the same as tuning into the vibration of the words) to make themselves known to you. Make your intention to be deliberate with your word choice and notice the difference it makes in your practice.

Try an appreciation journal entry or meditation today and see how it feels. I’d love to hear about it! Email me at elizabeth [at] to share your experience; I read and respond to every email.

Love and Light,