Fad Diets and Quick Fixes Don’t Work. Here’s Why.

The most common question I get is “how do I lose weight?” 

If I had a quick fix I’d be selling it to you from my villa in Italy. 😉 
The truth is there’s no single quick-fix weight loss solution that works for everyone, but there is a blueprint you can use to drop pounds and feel better. It looks like this:

Daily physical movement (something you enjoy or at least don’t hate)

+Stop eating foods you’re sensitive to (the most common being sugar, gluten and factory-farmed dairy)

+Increase intake of nutrient-dense and gut-healing foods

+Dramatically increase cooked and raw organic vegetables

+High quality supplementation to support balance and healing

+A positive outlook

To simplify even more, exercise, eat less junk, eat more healthy food, be happy.

You can make these changes, maybe one per week or even one per month and over the course of 2021 your health will be in a dramatically different place (remember, our bodies need time to adjust, time to heal and time to feel better.)
These are all things you can do on your own.

You don’t need:diet pillspre-packaged foodexpensive gym membershipsfads, gimmicks or quick-fixes that rob you of health (and power) over time

Diets rob you of your power and health? Yes. That’s a strong statement, but one I fully believe.

Don’t embrace that you’re less-than without ANY product or service. Even mine. 

You are the only one who has ultimate control over your physical, mental and emotional health. No pills, programs or gadgets will change that. Ever. 

In my world of small-business and entrepreneurship I often hear about “pain points.” Do you know what these are? They’re the things advertisers use to make you feel bad, or pain, about not having something. Companies find something to trigger pain in a consumer and then leverage that pain to make you spend your money on fill-in-the-blank product  or service. 

I’ve had lots of advice from successful coaches, entrepreneurs, books, podcasts and bloggers to utilize these pain points to attract clients and make money, but it just never felt right to me, and every time I use one of these tactics I end up feeling a bit dirty. I know personally I don’t like to be told I’m less-than to get me to buy something, and I don’t like telling that to others, either. 

Today I’m writing this to tell you the truth. What I offer in products or services will not make your life perfect. It’s not a guarantee of weight loss, increased energy or a #blessedlife. 

That’s because none of these things will ever be found outside of you. 

No matter how much money you spend on things, nothing in your life will change unless you do the changing.

Do you even want to change? Maybe you do, but maybe you don’t, and that’s okay. It’s okay if what you’re experiencing right now is working for you on some level. There’s no judgement in that statement. You are perfect just as you are, and that is the truth. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either misguided at best, or manipulative at worst.

I don’t offer you a manipulation. My services won’t cure, heal or fix anything that you aren’t willing to dig up, examine in broad daylight and work on for yourself. 

I do offer something much more valuable than checklists and goals: I offer you the vibration of health and vitality. I can see the best in you, the pure potential and the highest possibility. The physical things help, but I can’t do them for you, I can only hold space for you to find the strength within to do the work. And cheer you on every step of the way. 

We are all a work in progress, and the work is you. You get to create the life you want, and maybe it doesn’t come easily, but truly worthwhile things rarely do.

Love and Light,