Digestion (Plus a Free Recipe)

Dear Friends,
This time of year can be a little rough for many, especially in the northern regions when sunlight is scarce. 

My personal diet is key in helping me stay focused, healthy and as happy as possible, so today I’m sharing with you a new treat I’ve been enjoying lately. While my Golden Chai Chia pudding is cold, the warming spices help to keep my spleen happy and bring fire to my digestion.

And speaking of digestion, earlier today I read an article about a man who was hospitalized due to constipation. He had gone so long without a bowel movement that his life was literally in danger. 

Constipation is an issue for many, but it’s nothing to be ashamed about. It may be an uncomfortable topic, but everyone should be having multiple bowel movements each day. Did you know that even going once a day is considered borderline constipation?!

The good news is that most of us can overcome this problem with a few key diet and lifestyle changes.

A few tips to avoid constipation:

  • eat lots of veggies, both raw and cooked, with every meal
  • try a magnesium supplement at bedtime
  • move your body for a minimum of 20 minutes EVERY DAY

Remember, you are the *only* one responsible for your body!

If it’s time for you to take control of your health, I can help. Just click “reply” to set up your consultation today.

Love and Light,

P.S. Click the button below to download my Golden Chai Chia Pudding recipe. Its fast and easy to make, organic, vegan, healthy and delicious.

P.P.S. Wondering how a wellness coach might benefit you? Scroll down to read my most recent case study. This client is seeing extreme results after only three sessions!

Case Study: Female, early 50s. Suffering from MS, fatigue, painful joints, and sugar addiction. 

This beautiful client came to me ready for change and committed to an 8 week program. She had been suffering from the above issues for several years, and is highly motivated to make positive changes in her life to improve her health while she is still young. 

With a few key tweaks to her diet, we began gradual food changes by cutting out some foods, adding in others, and introducing exercise, supplements, hands-on energy healing, and mind-body techniques. 

After just three integrative wellness coaching sessions in three weeks, she has lost 5 lbs, is sleeping better, has more energy and a bright and positive mindset. 

Are you ready to commit to change your health for the better? Click here to learn more about my unique one-on-one approach to transform your health.