Coconut Pancakes

Coconut Milk Pancakes






I originally posted this recipe on my old blog, At Home With Elizabeth:

Coconut flour recipes require a much higher egg-to-flour ratio than you might be used to. Don’t skimp on the eggs — trust me. The resulting texture is completely different; think of a thin crêpe rather than a fluffy pancake. They are filling, full of protein, and really yummy!

This recipe feeds my hungry family of four, usually with no leftovers. It’s easily halved or doubled, depending on your needs.

Coconut Pancakes
4 large eggs
4 tablespoons coconut oil, melted and cooled
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup coconut milk
2 teaspoons honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons coconut flour
1/4 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder

Measure all ingredients, especially the coconut flour, carefully. Place everything in a blender or food processor and blend (I use the slowest button on my blender) until a smooth batter results.

Heat up your cast iron skillet or griddle, then add some coconut oil to the pan. Place tablespoon-fulls of batter into the hot oil, fry until bubbles form, then flip. They cook pretty quickly, so keep a close eye on them.

Serve warm with real maple syrup or honey.

Contact me today for help transitioning to a grain-free or dairy-free diet.