Latest Email

My latest email just went out to subscribers. As we don’t know the fate of social media, the best way to stay in touch (and avoid c3ns0rship) is to join my email list. I send 3-5 emails per month, never spam and never sell your info.

Heavy Metals

I’m posting this here to try to avoid censorship on social media platforms. If you know the identity of this man please contact me. As he mentions in the video greens are highly beneficial and so is nano zeolite. I use both on a daily basis to keep my body as clear as possible. […]

Holistic Weight Loss Workshop

Register For In Person Workshop Register For Zoom Workshop Did you know most diets are fake?  Did you know the most recognized diet plan names (the big, celebrity-endorsed diets) are actually owned by the very food companies who market and manufacture highly processed “diet” foods? Hello conflict of interest…? According to health, “Unfortunately, weight loss diets […]