Digestion (Plus a Free Recipe)

Digestion (Plus a Free Recipe)

Dear Friends,This time of year can be a little rough for many, especially in the northern regions when sunlight is scarce.  My personal diet is key in helping me stay focused, healthy and as happy as possible, so today I’m sharing with you a new treat I’ve been enjoying lately. While my Golden Chai Chia […]

Easy Single Jar Sauerkraut

Easy Single Jar Sauerkraut

I’ve loved sauerkraut ever since I lived in Germany, but have only been making it myself for a few years. It is easy, tasty, and the natural probiotics are so good for my family. My kids don’t love it, but I can usually convince them to have a bite or two before meals, the best time […]

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

If you like baked goods, and I definitely do, try to avoid the grocery store pre-packaged items.  They are usually made with low-quality ingredients and contain preservatives and dough conditioners.  By taking fifteen minutes to mix up a loaf and slide it into the oven on an evening or weekend, you will have some tasty […]