Bug Bite Remedy

Bug Bite Remedy

Mosquitoes. The whiny buzz in your ear at night, the clouds around your head on a walk in the woods, and, worst of all, the itchy red bumps.  Welcome to summer! What if I told you there was an inexpensive and tiny little sugar pellet that, when dissolved under your tongue, could reduce the swelling […]

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

It’s finally spring in Michigan! I love the flowers, brightly colored birds, and green grass that announce the change in seasons, but some people suffer from hay fever or allergies that make this beautiful time of year less than pleasant. If you are reluctant to take (or want to transition off) allergy chemical pharmaceuticals, you […]

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

If you like baked goods, and I definitely do, try to avoid the grocery store pre-packaged items.  They are usually made with low-quality ingredients and contain preservatives and dough conditioners.  By taking fifteen minutes to mix up a loaf and slide it into the oven on an evening or weekend, you will have some tasty […]