Exciting News For Healthy Life Choices

Exciting News For Healthy Life Choices

Hi Friends! There have been some fun and exciting things happening behind the scenes here lately! I have been working on new class development; soon I will be offering in-home classes in natural lifestyle topics, like homemade health and beauty products and homemade, natural cleaning products. Even more exciting, I’ve recently partnered with a beautiful […]

Aspartame — How Sweet are You?

Aspartame — How Sweet are You?

Let’s talk about aspartame. Two hundred times sweeter than sugar, aspartame was developed in the 1960s by scientists looking for a drug to treat ulcers. Aspartame’s sweet taste was discovered accidentally, and the product went through a few studies to prove it safe for human consumption. In spite of some questionable findings, aspartame was eventually […]

Easy Single Jar Sauerkraut

Easy Single Jar Sauerkraut

I’ve loved sauerkraut ever since I lived in Germany, but have only been making it myself for a few years. It is easy, tasty, and the natural probiotics are so good for my family. My kids don’t love it, but I can usually convince them to have a bite or two before meals, the best time […]