Bug Bite Remedy

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Mosquitoes. The whiny buzz in your ear at night, the clouds around your head on a walk in the woods, and, worst of all, the itchy red bumps.  Welcome to summer!

What if I told you there was an inexpensive and tiny little sugar pellet that, when dissolved under your tongue, could reduce the swelling and itchy bumps? This common homeopathic remedy is Apis Mellifica, it costs about $7 and is available at health food stores, natural grocery stores, or many places online.  You simply place a few pellets under your tongue whenever you’re plagued with mosquito bites, spider bites or bee stings. Alternatively, you may also place pellets in a small amount of water, swish around, and take sips throughout the day.  This process further dilutes the remedy, which, contrary to what you might think, actually increases it’s strength.

It’s that simple.

For a brief overview of homeopathy, click here.

Next week I’ll post my tips on how to avoid mosquito bites without chemicals. Stay tuned. 🙂


Disclaimer: I am not a trained medical professional. While I firmly believe in empowering individuals to take charge of their health, and that homeopathy is one safe and effective way to do this, please see a licensed medical professional for serious conditions.