Big Changes, New Opportunities

Big changes in my kitchen these past two weeks. Counters are in, sink is set and the tile backsplash is in the process of going up. (Pictures of the tile later in the week or next week once it’s finished.)

Unfortunately we’ve had a delay in the floor. It’s our fault technically, we were told by the flooring company that it would only take a week or two to order and install so we didn’t rush with the purchase. By the time we make the order they said 6 weeks to install! So it looks as though we may not finish by Thanksgiving after all. 

It’s okay, though. There is a small chance we could get an earlier slot if there’s a cancelation, so my fingers are crossed for that! 

Halloween was a busy weekend for us, but the weather cooperated and I think everyone had a nice time. This week it’s back to work to get ready for my new program series launching in January.

Keep reading to see what new things are in the works for next year!

Most of my content is presented in person. For whatever reason, it just seems to work better that way, and I find it easier to connect with people in person. But due to current circumstances I thought it best to work on something more accessible for everyone, no matter where you’re located or your comfort level with going out in public.

January and February will launch two separate-but-connected programs to help you get on a healthy, restorative and purposeful track after the holidays.
January features Back to Basics Nutrition Boot Camp. We will meet once a week virtually for info, challenges and sharing.

This class is all about SUPPORT and COMMUNITY.

Don’t fee like you have to “go it alone” to get your nutrition back on track. Within our community we will be there to support each other through the hard work of making big changes. It may not be easy, but when you get your food on track the results are AMAZING. You’ll have more energy, feel more in control and you may even lose a few pounds. 

In February we will fast! Does this mean we will just skip food for the month? NO!

We will gather in a supportive virtual community to learn about why going without certain types of food for a certain periods of time can catapult your health and wellbeing into the stratosphere. Fasting is not something to do alone; it can be overwhelming and intimidating. But you don’t have to be scared! This is your opportunity to test out this health hack within a supportive community. We will be here for questions, cravings, or moments of weakness. 

Your results (clear thinking, weight loss, increased energy) will be worth it!

I get it. Change is scary! What will it feel like to possibly stop eating some foods you crave? How will you get through the day eating once or twice rather than 3-5 times? These questions and more will all be answered in Nutrition Boot Camp and Fasting for Beginners. 

You’ll be able to share your journey with others in the same boat, others who are also committed to HEALTH, VITALITY, ENERGY and WELLNESS for 2021. 

I’ll check in on our group daily, not only to teach, but also to guide you along your path and provide support via Zoom, chat and group messages. 

If you register before November 27, 2020, you qualify for the introductory price of $199 per class. After November the price goes up to $260!

If cost is an issue, consider the payment plan ($55/week) option, and give yourself the gift of health before the New Year. 

To work one on one with me for 4 weeks would cost over $450. If you’ve been wanting to try holistic coaching, but the price has been holding you back, now is the perfect time to move forward for your health. (These programs will not be repeated until 2022.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me via email. I’m happy to chat with you one on one to see if these programs are a good fit for you.

Love and Light,

P.S. My kitchen is coming along! Scroll down for counter top and sink photos.