Quarantine Detox

How I’m detoxing during quarantine With this unprecedented opportunity to stay home we have been gifted with, why don’t we allow our bodies to detoxify? You probably know I’m a huge fan of making my own products, but even so there are some prepared things I use daily. As I’m staying home almost every day […]

Digestion (Plus a Free Recipe)

Digestion (Plus a Free Recipe)

Dear Friends,This time of year can be a little rough for many, especially in the northern regions when sunlight is scarce.  My personal diet is key in helping me stay focused, healthy and as happy as possible, so today I’m sharing with you a new treat I’ve been enjoying lately. While my Golden Chai Chia […]



I’ll be honest—today is a struggle. I’ve been sick with something resembling the flu since Friday. I was so proud of myself for dodging the Christmas break crud that almost everyone I know had, and then back to school and BOOM, my daughter brings it home and shares it with me. 😂 . I rested […]