All Natural Hangover Prevention



Like many people, I occasionally enjoy a night out with my husband or friends that includes a few extra beverages. In years past I would rely on an ibuprofen in the morning to help me feel better, but when I stopped using over the counter pain killers I noticed the mornings after my nights out were sometimes a bit more difficult. As those of you with kids understand, a day spent in bed is no longer an option!

Through trial and error, this is how I prevent any and all hangover symptoms. What follows is what works for my body and metabolism. Play around with different supplements to see what works for you. I hope this will be a good starting off point.

  1. An hour or two before going out, I have a healthy snack with carbs and protein, like an apple with peanut butter.
  2. At the same time I take 500 mg of vitamin C and 1 capsule Garden of Live Raw B Complex.
  3. Just before leaving home I drink a glass of water, and take a bottle to sip on during the drive.
  4. I graze while drinking, not too much food, but I try not to have an empty stomach.
  5. I pace myself and don’t go overboard with the alcohol. You know what this is for your body.
  6. When I get home I have another vitamin C and a glass of water with 1/2 a lemon.
  7. Right before bed I have some more water and take 1 or two capsules activated charcoal supplement.
  8. I keep a glass of lemon water at my bedside for a middle of the night re-hydration.

That’s it! It may seem like a lot to keep track of, but it’s pretty simple once you get used to it. When I do all (or even most) of these things I always wake up feeling great the next day.

I hope this helps! Happy Holidays!

As always, I am available for one on one Holistic Health Coaching. Contact me or visit my website for more details: .