About Elizabeth

Hi and welcome! My name is Elizabeth Pemberton. I’m a Traditional Naturopath and Herbal Master serving clients in person in South East Michigan, and world wide over Zoom through my practice Island Holistic Wellness. I specialize in digestive health, hormone balance, detoxification and energy medicine.

My education includes a Traditional Naturopathic Doctor and Herbal Master dual diploma from Genesis School of Natural Health, Reiki Master/Teacher Atunement, Holistic Wellness and Life Coach Certificate, Personal Nutrition Certificate, Sports Nutrition Certificate, Natural Remedies Certificate, and many other classes, trainings and mentorships in the fields of alternative health. I also hold a  BA in English from University of Maryland.

I work with children, teenagers and adults. Some clients may see me a few times a year for preventative health services, while other clients who face more serious or chronic imbalances may require more frequent visits.

How Naturopathy Works

I do not claim to cure or diagnose any disease; in fact, it would be against the law if I did. I recommend herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, Reiki, PEMF, Red Light Therapy and other gentle yet powerful holistic modalities. Your body makes new cells every single day! When supplied with the proper tools of improved detoxification, herbs, nutrients and minerals we place your miraculous body in a position to heal itself. 

Insurance does not cover my services, and this is a good thing. This places YOU at the position of power to control what supplements or services you receive and not an uncaring stranger sitting behind the desk of an insurance company. Your needs are unique, and I will serve you to the best of my ability within the parameters you choose.

First, Do No Harm.

As a practitioner of natural health modalities I use well-researched nutritional, herbal and homeopathic supplements and holistic therapies to encourage your body’s inherent self-healing process. I will always minimize your risk of harmful effects to the best of my ability. First, Do No Harm.

I do not divide you into a series of parts and organs but rather examine how all of your body systems (mental, emotional, spiritual and physical) are responding to the environment, your current lifestyle and how you are expressing your inherent strengths and weaknesses. I believe we have been perfectly created, and my purpose is to help you reach your full potential for health and wellbeing.

Prevention is key.

My primary objective at Island Holistic Wellness is to help you prevent disease and attain optimal health. Prevention should start before conception and continue through life when we eat real food, drink pure water, avoid chemicals such as heavy metals and pesticides. High quality, natural and organic supplements should be taken to support the body when needed. 

When is supplementation required?

Supplements are needed when your body has not received the required minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, water, protein, or enzymes needed for optimal health. They are also needed when toxins or chemicals have created or aggravated an imbalance or dis-ease in your body.

Homeopathic remedies are very successful in helping the body overcome pathogens (bacteria and viruses), food sensitivities, and chemical exposures that are implicated in bowel disorders, chronic fatigue, allergies, chronic respiratory problems, thyroid function, swelling/inflammation, and a host of other imbalances that may occur in the human body. We do not use drugs, we are not medical doctors. We use herbs, homeopathic remedies, and supplements that work with the body so that the body is able to overcome/heal itself.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison, 1903