What is Integrated Wellness Coaching?

Elizabeth’s unique blend of health coaching, guided meditation and Reiki is a highly beneficial process that helps individuals to

·      Improve eating habits

·      Increase physical fitness

·      Reset mental patterns

·      Lose weight

·      Boost energy

·      Enhance sleep

Are you frustrated with feeling sluggish and tired? Do you feel older than your years? Do you want to change but don’t know where to begin? None of us are guaranteed a tomorrow. What are you doing today to set yourself up for future success? Improve your health NOW, before retirement/ before you have children/ before your children are grown/ before you move/ before you change jobs! There will never be a better day than today to take back your health. Click here to receive $10 off your first session.


I am 80 years old, widowed for 7 1/2 years after losing my second husband. I have a large family, attended church regularly and have deep spirituality; however, my life seemed to be a day to day existence in a pattern of discontent. I felt there was something missing. I desired to lose some weight but I have no motivation.

Before our first meeting I filled out a long questionnaire. Several questions took me back to incidents I had buried in my past thinking that they really made no difference in my life. I found Elizabeth to be a good listener and she allowed me to express myself without condemnation. Talking with Elizabeth allowed me to rise above my past and to look forward to each day with anticipation. With guidance from Elizabeth I lost 9 1/2 pounds in five weeks, began an exercise routine, and eating healthier and my sleep pattern has greatly improved. Without Elizabeth Pemberton I would still be the unhappy discontented person that I was. I think God each day for the positive changes I’m continuing to make.” -Carol

So full of advice & very helpful. A safe source for health & wellness. I recommend her to everyone.” -Brooke

I have tried various weigh loss programs through the years with little or no effect on my weight. With Healthy Life Choices by Elizabeth, I was able to get an overall wellness evaluation of food, lifestyle, exercise and “reasons why” I might make certain choices.

Elizabeth provided many natural resources options that I had not heard about, so I also did my research. I then added supplements and foods that we discussed to see if they would solve my individual health needs. Though I felt I was already doing the right things, like drinking lots of water and lots of salads, with just a few consistent tweaks, her ideas improved not only my health, but also my family’s health. I liked her approach, her follow up and ultimately the slow progression that has led to my being motivated with the energy and focus I had desired. The biggest accomplishment for me was fitting in a daily workout at 5:30a.m. that I have been excited to get up and do every day, even on vacation. I feel so much more comfortable in general and would recommend Elizabeth to anyone wanting to dig deeper into their personal wellness.” -Kathy